Research Foundation of The City University of New York – CUNY Catalyze Challenge

Future Forward is a holistic effort to build equitable access to sustainable careers by bringing together colleges, schools, community organizations, and industry partners to create a new model that integrates wraparound support for under-served youth, and provides better career-connected learning outcomes for students.

Future Forward is a partnership between the City University of New York (CUNY), the largest urban university in the nation, and NYC public schools, the largest school district in the nation, and the Mayor’s Office of Youth Employment, to reimagine what the transition from high school to college and career can look like. The solution draws on New York’s pioneering work in dual enrollment and early college high schools that have a proven track record in improving college enrollment and credit accumulation. Future Forward’s key elements include: rethinking career-connected instruction in the final year of high school, earning college credit through introductory courses, career awareness experiences, and credentials, and building a network of supportive adults through paid work-based learning experiences in the year after high school graduation.